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11th 2001 21st abandon acts afghanistan aftermath again agent agree agreed alden allies allow ally america american americans applause appreciate argue argued argument arguments asia attack attacked attacks attempt attends attest bank barbarism battle belief believe believed belong best better bless boat book bring broader brought brutal build bush caldwell called cambodia came camps care cause center central century certain changed character chief children china chinese cities citizen citizens city civilization clear cleaver columnist come coming command commander commanding communist communists complained confidence confident congress congressman consequences continent convention corner cost count countries country create creator critic critical criticism critics culture current dangerous date debate decades decent declared defeat defeated defense democracies democracy democrat democratic describe described deserve desire despite destined dictator dictatorship died difference differences difficult dignity discusses doing done doubt doubters dynamic early east economies effort efforts elected emanuel embraced emperor empire ended enemies enemy engaged entered entire erstwhile example expert experts extremists face facing fact faith faiths farmers fathers fight fighting fights final follow force forces foreign fort forward fought free freedom freer front full fully future gain gary general generation george getting give going good government governor graham graves great greater greatest greene grew ground group hall hand harbor hard harm harry having health hear heart helped helping here high hint history home honor hope hopeful hopeless hour human hundreds ideals ideological ideology imperial important imposing incompatible indochina instead interesting interests intervention interview invasion iraq iraqi iraqis islamic japan japanese joining just kansas keep kill killed killing know korea korean koreans laden land laughter lead leader leaders learn leave left lesson liberated liberty lieutenant life listen live lives long look looking macarthur machine main meant member members middle military millions mind minister missouri mistake model month naive names nation national nations nazis necessary neighbor news newspaper nixon number office open organization osama ought outset overseas pacific parliament part past peace peaceful pearl people percent perseverance place places point policy political polls position possible power presence president press prevail price prime problem progress proud provide pull purpose qaeda question radical radicals raise real realize really recede recognize region religion remain remember republican republicans rest result revenue right risk room rule sacrifice safe safer said secretary security seeing seek seen senator sent september served service share shinto show side sides similar simply small societies soil soldier south soviet speech stakes stand state states steps story strategic strategy strong stronger strongest struggle succeed support supporter surge surprise system take taste team tens terror terrorist terrorists thank that them there thing this thousands throne time times tire tired today tokyo totalitarian tradition transform triumph troop troops true truman truth turn turned understand uniform united unity veteran veterans vice victory vietnam view violent vision vital vote wallace want wars washington well west will willing wing withdraw withdrawal women word words work worked working world wrote year years york young zawahiri
11th 2001 21st abandon acts afghanistan aftermath again agent agree agreed alden allies allow ally america american americans applause appreciate argue argued argument arguments asia attack attacked attacks attempt attends attest bank barbarism battle belief believe believed belong best better bless boat book bring broader brought brutal build bush caldwell called cambodia came camps care cause center central century certain changed character chief children china chinese cities citizen citizens city civilization clear cleaver columnist come coming command commander commanding communist communists complained confidence confident congress congressman consequences continent convention corner cost count countries country create creator critic critical criticism critics culture current dangerous date debate decades decent declared defeat defeated defense democracies democracy democrat democratic describe described deserve desire despite destined dictator dictatorship died difference differences difficult dignity discusses doing done doubt doubters dynamic early east economies effort efforts elected emanuel embraced emperor empire ended enemies enemy engaged entered entire erstwhile example expert experts extremists face facing fact faith faiths farmers fathers fight fighting fights final follow force forces foreign fort forward fought free freedom freer front full fully future gain gary general generation george getting give going good government governor graham graves great greater greatest greene grew ground group hall hand harbor hard harm harry having health hear heart helped helping here high hint history home honor hope hopeful hopeless hour human hundreds ideals ideological ideology imperial important imposing incompatible indochina instead interesting interests intervention interview invasion iraq iraqi iraqis islamic japan japanese joining just kansas keep kill killed killing know korea korean koreans laden land laughter lead leader leaders learn leave left lesson liberated liberty lieutenant life listen live lives long look looking macarthur machine main meant member members middle military millions mind minister missouri mistake model month naive names nation national nations nazis necessary neighbor news newspaper nixon number office open organization osama ought outset overseas pacific parliament part past peace peaceful pearl people percent perseverance place places point policy political polls position possible power presence president press prevail price prime problem progress proud provide pull purpose qaeda question radical radicals raise real realize really recede recognize region religion remain remember republican republicans rest result revenue right risk room rule sacrifice safe safer said secretary security seeing seek seen senator sent september served service share shinto show side sides similar simply small societies soil soldier south soviet speech stakes stand state states steps story strategic strategy strong stronger strongest struggle succeed support supporter surge surprise system take taste team tens terror terrorist terrorists thank that them there thing this thousands throne time times tire tired today tokyo totalitarian tradition transform triumph troop troops true truman truth turn turned understand uniform united unity veteran veterans vice victory vietnam view violent vision vital vote wallace want wars washington well west will willing wing withdraw withdrawal women word words work worked working world wrote year years york young zawahiri
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